Sometimes it's ok to be a follower

Friday, May 31, 2013

June Cash Candy Giveaway

I'm trying an awesome new giveaway for the month of June.
As much as I love shopping for goodies to add to each months blog candy, the shipping is starting to make a pretty good dent in my wallet. So, I wanted to try something new and I hope you guys enjoy this months candy.
I've joined up with Sew Crafty Angel to offer you $50 USD Paypal cash and 1 months Ad Space on two different blogs this month.
I hope you enjoy the cash option to select your own treasures if you are the winner of this awesome prize.

Everyone with a Paypal account is welcome to enter.
Use the Rafflecopter widget below enter.
Good luck everyone.

Disclaimer: The winner must claim their prize within two weeks.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Kristi Digital Stamp

Hi everyone,
I'm back home from my mini vacation. It was a wonderful extended weekend. We spent time at the park, shopping, watching movies, riding bikes, and taking midday naps. I was sad to see it come to an end. Every moment was just so enjoyable. It was wonderful to have so much quality family time.

And we got some pretty fun toys while shopping too.
My hubby picked me up a new motorcycle riding jacket.
I was kinda shocked, but we woke up on Saturday and the first words out of his mouth were, "Do you want to go shopping?" 
Then I had to laugh when we ended up at the Harley store.
But, I love my new coat so I'm not complaining.

We hit the toy store after that and my son made out like a bandit. We picked up a pool; which I can't wait to blowup and let him play in, tons of Hot Wheels, and a bubble blowing machine.
He loves the bubble machine. It plays music and spits out bubbles. We spent hours outside chasing bubbles and enjoying his giggles.
All-in-all I'd have to say the best weekend ever.
Now we're back home and back to everyday life, which is still pretty great. I sat down last night full of creative energy and ready to draw. 
My latest creation is very special. She was requested by a wonderful follower.
This is my graduation girl. She's not your everyday flat hat and cape girl though. 
I spent hours surfing the Internet looking for graduation outfits outside of the US, but didn't really come up with much, so I just had to use my imagination. I knew that the hats were round and that the girls wore white dresses. 
I truly hope I did the graduates justice. I've never seen a graduation outside of the US, so I hope that I got close. It's such a special time in one's life, finishing school and ready to start a new adventure.

Kristi Cuddlebug Cuties

Kristi Cuddlebug Cuties

Enjoy coloring and crafting with Kristi but please give me, Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her.



Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Ceana Digital Stamp

Hello everyone,
Hope your week is going well without to much yucky weather. Ours seems to come and go. Some days are beautiful and others are full of rain and thunder. Our next stretch of days looks pretty clear of clouds, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. We have a trip to the zoo planned over the holiday weekend and I'm hoping for a beautiful warm day.

This rainy season has given me a little extra time indoors to create some wonderful images.
My latest cutie is so much fun. I just adore her.

This is Ceana.
Ceana Cuddlebug Cuties
Flirty dress, funky socks, and tons of beautiful hair.

Ceana Cuddlebug Cuties

Enjoy coloring and crafting with Ceana but please give me, Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her.


Monday, May 20, 2013

Coffe Date

It's late in the afternoon here and I'm just sitting down for my second cup of coffee for the day. 
Would you like to join me? I can offer coffee, tea, juice, water and yummy chocolate chip cookies. They're huge and full of delicious chips, well worth every calorie they add, lol.
So pull up a chair and lets have a girls afternoon; sharing stories and enjoying life.

I spent most of last week feeling a bit under the weather. I believe my little man picked up a bug that made him feel icky for about a day and then it passed to me, and me feel awful for about a week. Isn't it amazing how fast you bounce back when your little.
I got so far behind that week. I'm still trying to catch up on laundry and emails. Truly my email has nearly 500 unread messages. I keep trying to get through them fearing that I am missing something important and not wanting to leave anybody without a return message.

It was a beautiful weekend here. The weather was warm and there was a light breeze. I spent all of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday outside with my little guy. We enjoyed everything that we could get into and play with. From toys, to flowers, and even a little mud. By the end of Sunday afternoon he curled up in my lap with a bottle and watched car tv shows with his daddy and me. I wasn't really paying attention to the tv, though. I was just to thrilled at the snuggle time. I held my most cherished gift close and thanked God for such an amazing blessing.

My mom babysat for me last night so that my hubby and I could have a date night, which turned out to be rather funny and not much of a date. We arrived home at around 8pm. Our plans were to crawl into bed and watch Netflix movies until 1 or 2 in the morning. We got about an hour into the first movie when his work phone rang. He gave me a look that said I'm sorry but I have to answer this. He's been at his job for over a decade so this is something that we are both pretty used to. 

He went into the living room and I could hear him going around and round on the phone over which company should be fixing the problem. It always makes me laugh because no matter what or who's issue it is, he will always fix it.
I took the time to snuggle with my puppies and they loved every moment of quality mama time. After about an hour I started to fade and feel asleep. 
So we didn't really have a date but I got some extra sleep, and it was needed.

I woke up at 4am to the sound of thunder, I listened to the rain beat against the window for quite awhile before dozing back to sleep. By 6 I was awake again, but it was one of the cutest wake ups I've ever had. 
I feel the covers begin to rustle and jaws immediately comes to mind. Slowly at first then faster and faster till...bam I'm covered with puppies. One on my chest and one on each arm. All three right up to my face covering me with kisses. I laughed and giggled like a little girl trying to fight the onslaught back. After a few minutes they calm down and curl up close for some snuggling. I hold them all and enjoy the love that they give. After about an hour we all stretch and climb out of bed to head for the backyard.
Now this is a little tricky, we have a momma bird that has made her nest about 3 feet from our back door, and she is not to friendly with my doggies. I peek around the corner of the door to find that the coast is clear so I throw the door all the way back and my girls gleefully bounce outside. We had made it out to the middle of the yard when I spot the mama. Usually she stays away as long as we are not close to the the nest, today however she was a bit cranky. 
She swoops down and hits one of my pups right in the butt sending her nose first in the dirt. Before I can reach her to pick her up she goes for a second dog and nails her in the back. My third pup takes refuge behind me and I see the mama bird coming straight for us. 
For a moment there was fear, this crazy bird is going to attack me. Then, in a instant I get a little on the cranky side myself and bolt straight at the bird coming toward me. She nails me in the leg bounces off and swoops around the yard preparing for round two. I'm yelling at the dogs to get in the house and for the first time ever they actually listen. I then run in circles after this bird yelling at it; telling it I'm not hurting your babies so you need to stay away from mine. She finally landed on the edge of the roof and I'm standing below her having a staring contest. 
Then I hear a slight laugh that turns into an all out burst of hysterical laughter. My next door neighbor was in his backyard watching the whole thing. Once he finally got control of himself he asked me if I had a was having a moment cause he'd never seen anybody chase a bird before. I couldn't help but laugh too.
The funny thing is I don't dislike birds and I would never touch their nest and even if I could have caught up to her I wouldn't hurt her. We were both just having momma / cub moments. 

I did a check on the dogs just to make sure they were fine and then did a double check with my vet, who seemed to get a good laugh out of telling me that the pups will be fine and won't catch anything from angry birds.

So this has been my last few days. How about you? Are you doing well? Have any fun stories? Any cranky birds in your life lately, lol?


Oh and one more thing. I will have a new digi ready in the next few days. She is so adorable and I'm really excited about her.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday Linky Party

Please feel free to join in on the fun.
Add your blog to the link below and make some new friends with similar interests.

Share inspiration on crafts, cooking, style, and any other family friendly blog topic.

Please follow your host and stop by some of the blogs in the link up. I'm sure they'd love it if you'd leave a comment while you were there.

Have fun everyone.


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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Pot Roast

My family is really starting to enjoy Thursday dinners.
This is when I prepare a meal for Recipe Swap Fridays.
This just thrills everyone, I spend the afternoon making our all time favorites.

This week was pot roast. It took me forever to create a great roast recipe. I tried dozens of recipes and then edited them and tried them again and again till I found one that was just right for us.

Here's what you'll need:
1 roast (I prefer a sirloin cut but choose your favorite)
1 small onion, chopped
4 small potatoes, halved
1 package of peas
1 cup baby carrots
1 seasoning package of brown gravy mix
1 seasoning package of ranch dressing mix
1 seasoning package of mild Italian dressing mix
1/2 cup of hot water
4 tbsp butter

Mix all 3 seasoning packages in the 1/2 cup of hot water.
Add all other ingredients to a crock pot and then pour seasoned water over all.
Cover and cook on high for 6 -7 hours depending on the size of the roast
I only uncover my dish once throughout cooking to stir 


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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sophia Digital Stamp

Good morning,
It's been such a busy week. I feel like I've been running in circles trying to keep up and catch up, lol.
I finally took some time yesterday to just sit outside and enjoy the weather. It was a warm and beautiful day. My son loved every moment of it too. He played in every inch of our yard, crawled all over his first swing set, and raced hot wheels all around the back porch. It was so wonderful to just watch him play and enjoy his day. He's such a little cutie and I am so thankful for every moment that I have with him.

Once he finally tired out in the late afternoon, I tucked him in bed for a little nap and did a little arts and crafts catching up. 

Sophia Cuddlebug Cuties

This little cutie is Sophia. A bit shy, and so sweet and adorable.

Sophia Cuddlebug Cuties
Enjoy coloring and crafting with Sophia but please give me, Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her.

Now I think I'm gonna take my little man outside and enjoy some more playtime. 
Spending time with him is so much better than catching up on housework. I think the laundry can wait till nap time :) 

PS: I've also been trying to keep up with a flood of emails. If I've missed anybody's recently, I am truly sorry. I love hearing from each and everyone of you and enjoy every story. Thank you so much for all your love. You are all so very much appreciated. I'll keep trying to catch up with everyone and hopefully not lose anybody in the spam box.
Feel free to email anytime.

Big hugs to all,

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday Linky Party

Happy Mother's Day everyone.
I hope today is a wonderful and joy filled for each and every mom out there.

Please feel free to join in on the fun.
Add your blog to the link below and make some new friends with similar interests.

Share inspiration on crafts, cooking, style, and any other family friendly blog topic.

Please follow your host and stop by some of the blogs in the link up. I'm sure they'd love it if you'd leave a comment while you were there.

Have fun everyone.


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Friday, May 10, 2013

Fettuccine Alfredo

I love fettuccine alfredo. It's one of my favorite dishes, and it's so quick and easy to make.
In about 15 minutes you have a wonderful hearty meal.

Here's what you need:
1 stick of butter
2 tbsp of cream cheese
1 clove of minced garlic
1 cup of parmesan cheese
1 pint of heavy cream (or half and half works too)
1/8 tsp of nutmeg
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 package of noodles

Cook noodles according to package directions.
Melt butter in a medium sauce pan over low heat
Add garlic, cream, and cream cheese.
Stir occasionaly until cream cheese has melted.
Add salt, pepper, nutmeg, and parmesan cheese to mixture and simmer over low heat until well combined
Remove sauce from heat and allow to thicken for about 5 minutes, then pour over noodles and

Last week we had some wonderful and delicious recipes.
I can't wait to see all the yummy food on this week's recipe swap.
Feel free to link up as many recipes as you like and enjoy browsing all the links in the party.

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Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Mothers Day Mini Album and a New Digi

Hello everyone,
Hope your weekend went well.
I spent mine working on a mini album for mothers day. I'm about halfway finished decorating the pages then once it's all prettied up I can add pictures and text.
I've added some of my favorite old digis as well as created some new ones for this special book.
And I have one of those new ones to share with you today later in this post.

Here's my cover:
I have 3D pop-ups under my cuddlebug to make her standout against the rest of the cover.

The next two pages contain my latest illustration Alexa.

And the last two that I have completed so far look like this;

I love all the extra stitching on these pages and the little pocket to hold extra treasures.

This little cutie is Alexa. A perfect cuddlebug for telling mom or grandma that you love them on their special day.

Alexa Cuddlebug Cuties

Alexa Cuddlebug Cuties

Enjoy coloring and crafting with Alexa but please give me, Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her.

Have a wonderful day.


Sunday Link Party

Please feel free to join in on the fun.
Add your blog to the link below and make some new friends with similar interests.

Share inspiration on crafts, cooking, style, and any other family friendly blog topic.

Please follow your host and stop by some of the blogs in the link up. I'm sure they'd love it if you'd leave a comment while you were there.

Have fun everyone.


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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Yummy Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Sandwiches

I enjoyed last weeks recipe swap so much that I couldn't wait to do it again. There were so many delicious meal ideas last time, I look forward to seeing what's included in this hop. 

Now I'm a sandwich kinda girl. I love all kinds and enjoy dressing them up and having fun with them.
This week I'm going to share my bacon, egg, and cheese croissants.

They are delicious and easy to make.

Here's what you need:
1 lb bacon
6 eggs
1 tomato
3 slices of cheese
3 croissants 

I bake both my bacon and my eggs for this sandwich.
It saves time and makes nice flat and even sized pieces.

* Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
* Spread bacon out on a baking sheet and cook for 30 - 45 minutes depending on how crispy you like it
* Use a muffin pan to bake eggs perfectly even
* Spray with nonstick spray and bake for 15 - 20 minutes

* Place mayonnaise on the croissant then a slice of tomato, cheese, bacon, and 2 eggs 
* Enjoy

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

April Candy Winner and New May Blog Candy

Good morning everyone,
Can you believe it's May already? 
This year is just flying by.

Let's start the month off right with a lucky winner and some new candy.

And the winner of the April Blog Candy is:


Send me an email at:

and I'll get your new goodies on their way to you.

And now for some new May Toys

This is a beautiful Spring lot. Full of flowers, butterflies, birds, and gems.

Here's what's included:
1 pad of paper
1 package of epoxy stickers
2 packages of stitched adornments
1 package of paper flowers
1 package of brads
1 package of vellum stickers
2 packages of gemstones
4 spools of ribbon

All kinds of treasures for your Spring paper crafting projects. This assortment of goodies is so pretty. I wish I would have purchased two so that I could have one for myself, lol. Maybe the next time I go out I'll pick up a second set :)

If you want to be included in the May Candy drawing all you have to do is be a follower of Cuddlebug Cuties and leave a comment below. If you'd like to post a picture of the candy on your sidebar I'd truly appreciate it, but it is not required to enter. 
Everyone worldwide is welcome to join in on the fun.

Good luck everyone.