Sometimes it's ok to be a follower

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party

               Welcome to the 44th week of 

 Wake Up Wednesday "Linky" 


I Cry For St. Louis

Dozens and dozens of photos; all ready to post. Beautiful works of art that contain a little piece of my heart. Hours of work, moments of true happiness...
but tonight I feel the need to vary a bit from my original plan and speak from the heart. 

Truth and life; sometimes it can all be so confusing, scary, and just plain difficult. 
Tonight I cry for St. Louis, Missouri. 
My home. 
The place where I grew up. All my loved ones, all my closest friends, all my most precious memories...

Tonight I hang my head.
Moments after the Micheal Brown verdict, the hate began.
Roiting, looting; the city is practically being burnt to the ground.
We have the news on and are listening to a scanner on the computer. 
People are down, trapped, shot, dying, hurting...

It is truly like being trapped in a nightmare. 
How far will these protesters take their rage?
Who does this defend?
How does this help anyone?

Hurting people that had nothing to do with the young man?
Burning your own city? Why?
What did an auto parts store, a pizza place, or a toy store, and so many more have to do with any of this? Why destory your own hometown?
This is our home.

Tonight, we sit in fear.
Maybe 20 minutes outside of the main riots.

Friends and co-works often have asked my husband and I why we stay here.
This is our home, our people... it's just were we belong; it's home.
Yes, it is a violent area. People die and are hurt everyday. The news is always full of bizarre stories, but it's part of life here. It's truly sad to say, but you learn very early on where not to go. It's almost like there is an imaginary line and you don't cross it.
All that said, my husband and I are not delusional enough to believe that we are safe 100% of the time. Crime travels...

So tonight, we sit and wait.
There will be no sleep; no peace.

Will the angry men and women make it to our door?
Truth is, if they want the house; take it.

We have a few bags packed and sitting by the door.
Toys and clothes for my son,
a few art journals and sketchbooks,
my husbands work laptop,
and a few clothes...
our cats are already in carry carriers,
our dogs have collars and leashes on,
our rats have been moved to the living room with a travel carrier placed right by the cage.

We are ready to grab our family and leave.
Nothing else really matters.
It's just stuff... it can all be replaced.

 Every gun in our home is loaded and ready to go, which I really hate. It makes me so uncomfortable. There is a baseball bat right beside my nightstand... and truth is I am not amused by this either. I think it's ok to defend yourself, but the reality of it makes my stomach turn. 

I've never hurt anyone, I just feel I need to prepare simply because I am in line of fire.
Doesn't matter my age, sex, race, religion, opinion...
Those that are angry don't care; they are simply taking a stand, doesn't seem to matter who they hurt.?

Tomorrow, how many will be collateral damage? 
Why won't these people have the same public out cry?
They too are loved, missed, wanted...

Tonight my friends,
pray, please.

I don't care who or what you believe in. I am a Christian, and if you are not I am okay with that; as I hope you are okay with letting me rejoice in my beliefs. We are all here on this earth together. This is all of our homes. We are all different and that is a wonderful thing.
This has become a tragic event for so many people. 
It is so incredibly sad.

What does tomorrow hold?

Hopefully, we can learn from this event and move forward as a society.
Make our home a better place...
one where we don't fear what might come in the night.

We shouldn't have to be scared of what's in the dark.
I had hoped the nights of peeking under my bed for the boogieman had passed... but now; is he just waiting outside of my door? 
Do I have to face him head on to protect my family?

 My heart goes out to the family and friends of all those that have been affected by this event.
I will hold all of you close to my heart.
I will pray for peace and safety for all;
and I will cry for all those hurting.
Tomorrow is a new day, lets make it count.
Lets move forward together.
All life is precious.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party

               Welcome to the 43rd week of 

 Wake Up Wednesday "Linky" 


This is the last week to enter the 

Make sure you enter.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Sweetheart Anya Digital Image

Every time I draw a new Cuddlebug, I think wow this one is so much better than my last. 
This one is such an improvement. This one is my new favorite.
It seems that I always feel this way, it's comical really.

My latest illustration is, of coarse, my favorite.
I love that she started as nothing more than a doodle.
I had no intentions of an adorable beauty.
Simply scribbles that started to form an amazing girl. 

Sweetheart Anya Cuddlebug Cuties

Skin: E11, 13, 21, 30
Hair: E50, 51, 53, 55, 57
Skirt: RV66, 34, 32
Prismacolor - Deco Pink Light
Shirt: V01, 12, 5, 6, 9

Sweetheart Anya Cuddlebug Cuties

Enjoy coloring and crafting with Sweetheart Anya but please give me, Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party

               Welcome to the 42nd week of 

 Wake Up Wednesday "Linky" 


Before we party this week I wanted to 
remind everyone that Sew Crafty Angel is Hosting a 

Make sure you enter.


Monday, November 10, 2014

The CLIMB Chain Linky

God’s Growing Garden
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It's the month long Networking Blog Hop 
With our 13th CLIMB GIVEAWAY!
Networking means helping each other grow!! 
If you want to promote a CLIMB link, then use #ChainLinkyCLIMB on Twitter or Google+ so that we can all help each other grow!
Here's how the Giveaway & Co-hosting works - the co-hosts from the previous month's CLIMB will have the opportunity to participate in a Giveaway during the next CLIMB - that gives co-hosts 2 months in a row of blog growing fun!!  (If you would like to co-host please sign up at the end of this post using the last "Linky") 
Please enter below -one person will win:
- $10 Target Gift Card from Sew Crafty Angel
- $5 Starbucks Coffee Gift Card from Cuddlebug Cuties 
- 1 Ad Space on A Peek Into My Paradise for 30 days - $30 value
- Turbo Sponsor Spot on 100lb Countdown - $10 value
- 1 Ad Space on Butterfly in the Attic - $15 value
- $10 Gift Certificate to PostcardsInTheAttic
- 1 Monthly Ad Space on God's Growing Garden - $15 value
- A beautiful Heart Shaped Gemstone Necklace with a raw Unakite/granite gemstone from Lake Michigan by ShorelineDesigned - $15 value
- "My Cookie Creation Countdown" ebook - $3 value
- "Making Your Own Cedar Roping or Pine Garland" ebook - $2 value
- "G.K.C.C. Gourdon Kringle Christmas Company" Children's Picture ebook - $4 value
- a beautiful handmade "Coffee Cozy"($5 value)  by Kaitlyn from Three Sisters & Us
- 1 Sidebar Ad Space on "Heartbeats~Soul Stains" - $10 value
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Coffee Cozy by Kaitlyn from "Three Sisters & Us"
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Persimmon Splotch - Raw Unakite/Granite Gemstone, Lake Michigan Heart Shape Stone, 22 Carat Gold Grommets on Brass Bead Ball Chain Necklace
What a thrill it was to find this colorful and heart shaped persimmon splotched raw Unakite/granite combination gemstone in Lake Michigan!
I have 5 mm drilled a hole to fit two 22 Carat gold grommets which house two NuGold tarnish resistant large brass jumprings, and strung it onto a brass ball bead chain. The chain undone measures 25 inches, and as worn including stone will hang 14 inches. As seen in the last picture, the stone has a nice flat back which will rest nicely as worn.
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Gift Certificate to "PostcardsInTheAttic": "Travel back in time with Postcards In The Attic to a time when your purchases included fanciful detail and wholesome charm. Enjoy our beautiful vintage, antique and handmade postcards."

All 3 of these ebooks by Angie Ouellette-Tower

Total prize value is $134!!

CLIMB Giveaway Rules & Conditions:
- this is open worldwide (void where prohibited)
- You must be 18 years or older to enter 
- You MUST have a blog to win the Ad spaces (otherwise these will become a second place prizes)
- You must live in the lower 48 of the United States to win the Necklace & the Cozy (otherwise these will become  second place prizes)
- Any tax or shipping costs going above the amount of any gift certificate will be the winner's responsibility
- This Giveaway is open from October 31st, 2014 until November 30th, 2014
- Winner must respond to email within 48 hours or a different winner will be chosen
- Giveaway Hosts & Co-hosts can NOT enter this Giveaway!, however - NOVEMBER 2014 CLIMB blog hop co-hosts ARE allowed to enter this Giveaway (provided they are not also part of the Giveaway)
- correspondence is done through email and the winner's email addresses will only be used to deliver or set-up e-prizes.  Email addresses will NEVER be sold or shared.
- All prizes will be delivered by the contributing Bloggers/Shop Owners.
- if you have any questions or concerns about this Giveaway please email one of the hosts:

Now onto the CLIMB (blog hop):
We have changed it up a bit - instead of linking your homepage you may now link up to 4 of your family friendly blog posts per month!!

CLIMB by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ClimbIntro_zps6919dad8.jpg

This linky list is now closed.

CLIMB by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ClimbRules_zps77e9b7a4.jpg
By participating in this blog hop your understand that your link might be promoted on social media.  Also, by participating in this blog hop your email address will be added to our CLIMB list & you will be sent an email reminder next month. 

CLIMB by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ClimbLink_zpsf527c076.jpg

This linky list is now closed.
Remember - If you co-host you will receive a free Weekly Sidebar Ad and your blog button will appear on both Angie's blog & Angel's blog!!

(The Ad will run live a few weeks after you have co-hosted)

CLIMB by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ClimbCo-host_zpseca2ac09.jpg

This linky list is now closed.
Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. - Isaiah 43:18-19 (KJV)
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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Wake Up Wednesday Liny Party

               Welcome to the 41th week of 

 Wake Up Wednesday "Linky" 


Before we party this week I wanted to 
remind everyone that Sew Crafty Angel is Hosting a 

Make sure you enter.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Cute Coraline Digi

I've been putting all my creative ability into my art journal lately. I find it so refreshing to take the next step and combine all the media together. It truly is a book of experimentation. I have at least half a dozen layouts in my head just waiting for me to have a little extra time to put them on paper. 
Currently I'm about halfway through my furbabies page set. I feel it's one of my best pieces to date. Even though I love my fairy rat mori cuddlebug on the page; I thought it might be a little more veritable if I edited the fairy out. Which was much harder to do than I thought it would be, but a little hard work paid off. 

Coraline Cuddlebug Cuties

Coraline Cuddlebug Cuties

Enjoy coloring and crafting with Coraline but please give me, Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

$1650 Christmas Cash Giveaway!!

Thanks to some amazing bloggers we were able to come collectively together with a
 CASH PRIZE of $1650.  
Yes, you read it correctly, $1650!   
What could you do with a little extra cash 
this holiday season? 
 Enter our giveaway and good luck. 

Giveaway to run November 1st - November 22nd  with the winner receiving their cash on Black Friday so they can start shopping for the Christmas Holiday.

Meet your Host and CoHosts

 Sew Crafty Angel      Cuddlebug Cuties      God's Growing Garden                      
         Mice In The Kitchen        The Interior Frugalista           
Natalie Loves Beauty       VMG206          The Weary Chef                        
Crsytelle Boutique           100lb Countdown            Saving 4 Six
bumblebreeblog             Magenta & Lime                  Everyday Hayley

Many THANKS to our Sponsors too!  
Please stop by and tell them hello.
PART 1  

PART 2  


Please read the rules of sweepstakes and contests held at Sew Crafty Angel.
Giveaway is open worldwide to participants with a verified PayPal account.
All entries will be verified. In the event an entry can not be verified participant chooses to forfeit that entry and another winner will be chosen.
Winner has 48 hours to respond to the winning email.
Giveaway will run from October 31st 11:59 PM CST to November 22nd, 12 AM CST
Any taxes or fees associated with the winnings of this contest are the sole responsibility of the winner according to their county, state and/or country laws.
Prize money to be distributed by Angel Allen from Sew Crafty Angel.
CASH prize is in US Dollars and will not be converted to any foreign currency.
Void where prohibited by law.