Sometimes it's ok to be a follower

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Aria & Mystic Smashbook Cover and Digi

Hey everyone,
It has been a wonderful week and I have so enjoyed creating my second smashbook cover.
It was great to have such a large surface to work with and embellish.
I already want to create another one and I haven't even filled the pages of this one yet.

Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited to fill this book with all kinds of goodies.
I already have my first set of pages planned out and ideas of cuddlebugs to include within the pages too.

This is going to be such a fun project.
I can't wait to get started and share as I go.

Aria and Mystic Cuddlebug Cuties
 Enjoy coloring and crafting with Aria and Mystic but please give me, Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her.
Have a wonderful day everyone.

$400 Paypal Cash Giveaway Hosted by Confessions of a Mommyaholic

The bravest thing I have ever done…

Becoming a blogger, because I still can't believe some of the things I have shared about myself and my family on the Internet. I was definitely scared slightly to share so much of myself and family for all to see, but again I did it. And I shared al sorts of tales, like the potty training journey for my youngest, posting about how we survived Hurricane Sandy a year ago, about not always dressing up to par anymore being a stay at home mom, and even how Lily played in the toilet bowl and even my huge mess up trying to make cake pops for the very first time! But a year ago today, I took to transferring my little Wordpress blog to my own hosted domain name. Therefore today, is my one year blogiversary. I was actually sick on the day I decided to do this, but was still very determined to make this switch. And again, I did just that. I learned so much during the setup process and remember wanting and yearning to learn more. Not only did I learn and teach myself so much as far as coding and design, but I was able to create another little niche on the Internet for myself with J9 Designs , too. Also, I made so many connections. In the beginning, I was told me to make sure to reach out to as many other bloggers through commenting and social media. I took that very seriously and still do. Because of this, I have been blessed to meet so any wonderful bloggers and writers this way. Many of which I have never laid eyes on personally, but do consider to be friends. I couldn't be more thankful for this. And when I put out the announcement earlier this month for interest in participating in my one year blogiversary giveaway, I was blown over by the massive amount that did join in and all the well wishes. I truly felt so loved and so happy that I would be able to giveaway such an awesome prize, because of all those lovely bloggers who have joined. Co-hosts forGiveaway for Post

My Co-Hosts from Left to Right and Top to Bottom~

Lanaya - Raising Reagan * Melissa - Home On Deranged * Angel - Sew Crafty Angel * Kera - Nugget on A Budget * Laura - Mice In The Kitchen * Danielle - Danielle Faith * Jen - West Street Story * Anna - Cuddlebug Cuties * Ashlee - A Step In the Right Direction * Sandy - Mother of Imperfection * April - 100lb Countdown * Dara - Not In Jersey

The Lovely Women also contributed and are a part of the giveaway, too~

Natasha - Epic Mommy Adventures * Sara - Confessions of A Red Headed Mama * Krystal - My Life of Travels And Adventures * Lisa - Chronically Content * Megan - The Big Megowski * Elena - Cropped Stories * Amy - The Stitchin' Mommy * Kate - Another Clean Slate * Amy - Consider Me Inspired So now not only is it that time of the week to linkup with FTSF, by sharing the bravest thing you did, but it is also time to enter my One Year Blogiversary Giveaway in the rafflecopter below. Good luck to all who enter. Thank you again to all that made this possible and that are a part of this very special giveaway with me, too.

It is a $400 Cash Blogiversary Giveaway!!

Giveaway open worldwide | Winner MUST HAVE a Paypal Account | Entries WILL BE verified | Winner has 48 Hours to winning e-mail or a new winner will be chosen.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: Confessions of a Mommyaholic responsible for sending out prize winnings.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hello everyone,
I'm so excited to be co-hosting an awesome link party this week.
It's hostessed by two amazing ladies, and I'm grateful that they let me join them this week.
Enjoy blog hopping and have a wonderful day.

Its Time For Thursday Favorite Things! Thursday favorite things is where you can link your favorite post or write a post about your favorite things and share it with old and new followers. You gain visibility for your blog ( it posts on three blogs) and you make bloggy friends too!
Please share the hop with your readers and let Katherine know if you would like to co-host. 
Here are the rules, yes there are rules. But just a few:
Please DO NOT link and run...visit a few of the wonderful blogs that are sharing at the hop.
  • Follow your hostesses Katherines CornerSew Crafty Angel And Me let us know if you are a new follower.
  • Visit as many blogs in the list as you can. Please leave a comment and let them know you are hopping over from the Thursday Favorite Things hop!
  • Share the button or a linklback on your post. Grab the hop button code from Katherines button page a Link back to Katherines Corner is always appreciated but is not mandatory
  • No adult content blogs or links directly to your shops please ( they will be removed)
  • Yes you can link giveaways ( they are everyone's favorite thing) Add your giveaways to the Win It Page at Katherines Corner too!
Have fun and link up below.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Christmas Giveaway

Raising Reagan | Blogger Opportunity - Christmas Cash Giveaway Event  It's time to start prepping for the Christmas holiday! That means thinking about all those fantastic presents that Santa is going to bestow upon our little ones. Maybe it means putting together an awesome holiday party. How would you like to make that happen a little easier for one very lucky person? Join my Blogger Opportunity! It's a Christmas CASH Giveaway Event and I would LOVE your help! The giveaway event will run from Nov 1st – Nov 22nd with the winner receiving their cash on Black Friday once entries have been verified so they can start shopping for Christmas! I am aiming for a CASH GIVEAWAY of $500 or more {depending on the number of participants.} The giveaway will run similar to my one year blog anniversary giveaway – with co-hosts and sponsors and will be a fantastic event! As you all know my one year blogiversary was a HUGE success and it turned into a ton of new followers to the blog and social media outlets as well as a nice spike in traffic for everyone. Here is the link to participate: Sign-ups end Oct 20th.
Once you sign up, please email if you would like to post the event opportunity on your blog. {Think REFERRALS!!}

The Beginning of Something Great

Two pals.

Two huge Smashbooks.
One finished Smashbook cover,
with one more to go.
 Tons of beautiful embellishments.
Dozens of inspiring magazines.
And One great idea to combine it all together.

More Coming Soon...

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Halloween Giveaway

Do you want to be part of a HUGE CASH giveaway?  Enter HERE!  Please tell them I sent you.
Email dawnsdisaster {at} gmail {dot} com with questions.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I have a new craft project that I've been working on.
 It's a gift and it's not quite complete yet, but I am so loving it and wanted to share my progress so far.

This little beauty is part of a book cover.
This is the main decoration, pretty much all I need now is the book and I can finish up with a few more embellies and the grand reveal.


I love the shabby chic look of this cover. It seems so beautiful and romantic to me.
I can't wait to finish up this gift.
I am so excited about it, and I hope that it brings much joy to the receiver.

Beauty Cuddlebug Cuties
 Enjoy coloring and crafting with Beauty but please give me, Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her.
Have a wonderful day everyone.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Darling Mummy Digital Stamp and some more Halloween Candy

Wouldn't a mummy costume be just adorable for Halloween.
There could be so many variations on how to make it your own.
I decided on charmingly cute for my latest illustration.

I really enjoyed sketching this cuddlebug. I felt so creative making a darling cutie instead of a typical scary costume. I love how she turned out.

Darling Mummy Cuddlebug Cuties

Darling Mummy Cuddlebug Cuties

 Enjoy coloring and crafting with Darling Mummy but please give me, Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her.

And now are you guys ready for a little more Halloween Candy?
Yeah, I know silly question.
Did you like the paper that I used to make this card, well it just so happens that I brought two. 
One for me and one for a lucky follower of my blog.

Here's what's included in this little set.

1 pad of Halloween paper
1 package of flowers
1 haunted house sticker set
1 set of eye brads

To be included in the drawing for this candy all you have to do is be a follower of Cuddlebug Cuties and leave a comment below describing what costumes you're looking forward to seeing this Halloween.
  You don't have to post a picture of this on your sidebar to enter, but I would sure be grateful if you did.
Everyone is welcome to enter. 

 You have through Monday the 30th (central standard time zone) to enter, and I'll post a winner on the first.
Good luck everyone.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Crafting Time & Halloween Sticker Winner

I love the early hours of the mornings. I usually wake up around 5, giving me about 2 to 3 hours of quality crafting time before he rest of my house gets up to start their days. I have one very faithful dog that crawls out of bed with me everyday. After taking outside to do her morning business she'll lay at my feet while I work at my art table. If she's in a snuggly mood she'll crawl in my lap and I'll love on her with one hand while drawing or coloring with the other. I think we both consider this special time together. She's such a sweetheart, and I really consider her one of my best friends and my favorite crafting buddy.

The past several mornings have been so productive in regards to my artwork. I've filled nearly a dozen pages in my art journal this week. I have so many fun digis to polish up and get posted.
The Halloween season has been truly inspirational too. So many costume ideas to make cute illustrations of. And the best part is I get to do something I love first thing in my day, with one of my favorite buddies, all while watching the sun come up.

It's a beautiful and relaxing way to start the day.

And Berina RGA, I wanted to start your day of with some good news.
You're the lucky winner of my Halloween Crow sticker candy.

Email me at
and I'll get your stickers on their way to you.

And for all my wonderful members of Cuddlebug Cuties I'll more Halloween candy this weekend.
Have a wonderful day.


Friday, September 13, 2013

Kit Digital Stamp

Cute, adorable, and even a little flirty.
This little kitty cat is totally ready for her Halloween party.
Fuzzy boots, a bowed tail, and perfect ears 
totally decked out for this years fun

Kit Cuddlebug Cuties

Kit Cuddlebug Cuties

 Enjoy coloring and crafting with Kit but please give me, Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I'm Having An Emotional Day, And It's A Good Thing

Before I became a mother I had either good days or bad days. There really was no in between. I either woke up happy and perky ready to take on whatever the world had in store for me, letting every negative thing that could happen roll right off me. My smile couldn't be broken. Then there were the occasional wake dreading my next move kind of day, wish I could just stay in bed and avoid the day ahead altogether. I didn't have many of these days, but there were a few.

Nowadays, I find I wear my heart on my sleeve, at least when in comes to being a mama. No matter what is happening in my life my son can always make me smile, cry, and most of the time both at the same time. I truly don't have words for how much I love him. 

Today, I felt a bit sad. No reason in particular, it was just one of those days and my son, with one little set of actions changed everything. Out of the blue, he stopped playing with his toys, walked over to me and wrapped his tiny arms around my legs, hugging me as tightly as he could. He then looked up at me and said mama before snuggling in for a second hug. I couldn't get to my knees fast enough to hug him back, tears rolling down my face and smiling the whole time.

After our sweet cuddle, he took me by the hand and let me to his toys. He picked up a toy car and handed it to me before picking up another for himself. We happily played until nap time. Once he was asleep I found myself crying again. Happy tears, thanking God for blessing me with such a precious gift. Then I start laughing at myself for becoming such a stereotypical girl.
From kinda a a mama.
And that's a good thing.

I came across something on Pinterest the other day that I said, cute idea, and pinned it. Thinking nothing more of it until today. The basic idea is to get a journal and every year on your child's birthday write them a little letter, then someday when they're older give it to them.

Here's what I've decided instead. I have this beautiful leather journal that I've been trying to find the perfect use for; every time I have one of these heart touching moments, I'm going to write a letter to my son in it. Filling the pages with how much he means to me and about how my world is so much happier with him in it, and someday; maybe when he's a father, I'll give him this keepsake so that he will always know how precious he is to me.

Sending out big hugs to everyone today.
Hope your day has been filled with much joy and love.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Teasured Finds

Hello everyone,
As you may have guessed Sew Crafty Angel and I are buddies. We've been pals for a long time. This past Saturday we decide to have a little road trip together and have a mini shopping spree. It was a total blast and was much needed fun.

This little post is to share some of the new treasures that I found throughout the day.

I love these two little shabby chic wall shelves. They're perfect for holding my colored pencils, and I put them right at desk level so I can actually see and reach them, which is a definite plus. They've been quite useful and they really inspire me to color more, which is always a good thing.

This is a future craft project. 
The paper/pen holder is adorable but the color isn't quite right for my room. So a little warm white craft paint and some Prima rose heart corners and centerpiece and I think it'll look pretty cute. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with it after that but I'll find the perfect place for it.

Oh yeah, Halloween candy sneak peak, lol.
I just couldn't go into a craft store and not pick out a few goodies for later on. I'm still working on this collection but I think it'll be a pretty fun lot for this holiday season. Hopefully I'll have it all put together and posted soon.

And my favorite find of the day,
wasn't a find at all.
It was a gift.

Angel made me this beautiful shelf to hold my punchies.
She's so talented at this sort of thing. So far she's made me 3 huge spice racks ( I really love to cook) and now this for my craft room. I am so grateful and I truly love it.

Hope you all enjoyed stopping by.
I loved having you here.

You can stop by Angels' blog to see all her fantastic finds too.


Friday, September 6, 2013

Willow Digital Stamp And A Little Candy

Hello everyone,
I've been in such a bloggy mood recently. Everyday I've had an urge to share online. It's really been bothering me that I haven't taken the time to share; so this is my new goal, to communicate and share more often. Even on days when I don't have a new digi. Art, crafts, new goodies, and life in general...I can't wait. I hope you guys enjoy catching my latest news in the days and weeks to come.

What's in store for today? Well, I have a new digi; lol, I know. I just went through that whole spill to post another digital stamp. Hope you guys still love me anyways.

But if you make it to the bottom of the post I'll also be having a little mini candy giveaway.

This Cutie is Willow. She's my latest, up all night and can't sleep, creation.

I love Halloween, and I wanted to start the season off right with an adorable little witch.

Willow Cuddlebug Cuties 

Willow Cuddlebug Cuties

Remember this picture. It has something to do with the candy.

Willow Cuddlebug Cuties

Willow Cuddlebug Cuties
Enjoy coloring and crafting with Willow but please give me, Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her.

Now are you guys ready for a little Halloween candy? Did you see the picture with the little raven in the birdcage? It's an amazing little 3D sticker embellishment that comes in a nice set, and I just so happened to buy an extra one of these.

If you're interested in trying to winning this little treasure, all you have to do is be a follower of my blog and leave a comment below. You don't have to post a picture of this on your sidebar to enter, but I would sure be grateful if you did.
Everyone is welcome to enter. 
You have through Friday the 13th (central standard time zone) to enter, and I'll post a winner on the following Saturday.
Good luck everyone. 


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Anya Digital Stamp

Hello eveyone,
I have a new favorite Cuddlebug. I've been filling page after page in my new art journal. I have so many new illustrations to share, but I had to go with my favorite one first.
This new cutie was so much fun to draw and color. I was so happy with how she turned out and I just love her dress and hair.

Anya Cuddlebug Cuties

Anya Cuddlebug Cuties

Enjoy coloring and crafting with Anya but please give me, Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her.

Have a wonderful day everyone,


Sunday, September 1, 2013

September Blog Candy

Could anybody go for a little candy?
I have an adorable lot of papercrafting treasures this month.
It's full of soft pinks, creams, and warm browns.

Here's whats include:
1 6X6 Lost & Found - Madison Avenue paper pad
1 package fabric embellishments
1 package pearls
1 package 3D floral stickers
3 spools of ribbon

To be included in the drawing please be a follower of Cuddlebug Cuties
and add your name below.
Everyone is welcome to enter.

You do not have to post a pic of this candy on your sidebar to enter, but I would love it if you do.
Good luck everyone.


September Candy

1. Shivani  49. Connie Sterling  97. Regena  
2. Lucy Patrick  50. Heaney  98. ChrisA  
3. jeanetteann  51. Beverly J Hubbard  99. Annelies  
4. Solange Barreto - Lange  52. Karen Marie Stentzer Denmark  100. Tinchen  
5. Edilza Teixeira  53. Jackie Schachter  101. Marit  
6. Iolanda Morais - Yoly  54. Avra  102. Dżej nej  
7. Simonne Guilherme  55. sue cale  103. Dreamtime  
8. Nikki C  56. divinity  104. Joy  
9. Shylaashree  57. Eva Olmo  105. Marianne D.  
10. ЯГОДКА  58. Olenka_ja  106. Karen P  
11. aNNie♥  59. KarinNettchen  107. Sandra V.~OhMyScraps  
12. Berina Febin  60. Crea S  108. Jessika Lilian  
13. Sindhu Manokaran  61. Justycha  109. Łucka  
14. scrappymo  62. Michelle Elizondo  110. Bhawana  
15. IKE  63. Marla H.  111. Del  
16. inga Sooth  64. KT Fit Kitty  112. Kelly  
17. Noor Saba  65. Kimberly S  113. Deborah  
18. Nadja  66. Phi  114. Joyce  
19. Roudi  67. Shalu  115. Brandy of Ibaladys Gallery  
20. Lisbeth  68. Bridget D.  116. Gośka  
21. Rosy Newlun  69. Pumpy  117. Fabiana Strehlow  
22. Ani  70. Silvi  118. AUNTYSUE  
23. Chiara Robin  71. el  119. Brenda  
24. Debbie J  72. Kiranmayee K  120. Patry Ro  
25. Ewelina Nowak  73. Wenche  121. Maggie S  
26. Naina  74. UTs Hobby Time  122. Joanna Powalla  
27. Sammy  75. DianeL  123. Kaja M  
28. Maryann  76. AJ  124. Regina  
29. Lilu  77. Lori A  125. Gayatri Ganesh  
30. DAISYCHAIN  78. Anreda  126. Peppina  
31. Jen S  79. Michelle E  127. Asmah Zainal Abidin  
32. Elly Booij  80. Wendy L  128. Jana  
33. JennyH  81. Sharyn Moy  129. Vivi Casale  
34. tu Ja  82. Silverbutterfly  130. Lentochka22082204 Russia  
35. Pearl  83. Teresa  131. Ayushi Juneja  
36. Katelyn  84. Gail Scott  132. Dannette Ruger  
37. Princess  85. Cheryl W  133. Eemeli  
38. Sidelle Menon  86. Karen Búho Scrapper  134. Kati  
39. thera  87. Tindaloo  135. oliwkowe pasje  
40. Rebecca  88. Carmen  136. Mariska  
41. Robin C.  89. LIrinka  137. Justyna  
42. kavitha vadhri  90. Carol - Happy Expressions  138. Lija Sony  
43. Galina (MarLen Mom)  91. Diana  139. Оксана  
44. Valou250809  92. Catherine joseph  140. Lesia  
45. Patty  93. Ali S  141. Monia Fioletowa  
46. Sara A.  94. Margaret Halldorson  142. Dr Sonia S V  
47. Sew Crafty Angel  95. Linda K.  143. Cebelica  
48. Olga Sushko (Russia)  96. Oleczka  144. Mary D  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Spectrum Noir Marker Winner

Good morning,
It's time to pick a winner for the Spectrum Noir Marker Candy.

And the lucky number is...


Send me an email at:

and I'll get your new goodies on their way to you.

Disclaimer: Winner has two weeks from day of drawing to claim their prize.

Check back this afternoon for September Candy.

Have a wonderful day,