
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Kristi Digital Stamp

Hi everyone,
I'm back home from my mini vacation. It was a wonderful extended weekend. We spent time at the park, shopping, watching movies, riding bikes, and taking midday naps. I was sad to see it come to an end. Every moment was just so enjoyable. It was wonderful to have so much quality family time.

And we got some pretty fun toys while shopping too.
My hubby picked me up a new motorcycle riding jacket.
I was kinda shocked, but we woke up on Saturday and the first words out of his mouth were, "Do you want to go shopping?" 
Then I had to laugh when we ended up at the Harley store.
But, I love my new coat so I'm not complaining.

We hit the toy store after that and my son made out like a bandit. We picked up a pool; which I can't wait to blowup and let him play in, tons of Hot Wheels, and a bubble blowing machine.
He loves the bubble machine. It plays music and spits out bubbles. We spent hours outside chasing bubbles and enjoying his giggles.
All-in-all I'd have to say the best weekend ever.
Now we're back home and back to everyday life, which is still pretty great. I sat down last night full of creative energy and ready to draw. 
My latest creation is very special. She was requested by a wonderful follower.
This is my graduation girl. She's not your everyday flat hat and cape girl though. 
I spent hours surfing the Internet looking for graduation outfits outside of the US, but didn't really come up with much, so I just had to use my imagination. I knew that the hats were round and that the girls wore white dresses. 
I truly hope I did the graduates justice. I've never seen a graduation outside of the US, so I hope that I got close. It's such a special time in one's life, finishing school and ready to start a new adventure.

Kristi Cuddlebug Cuties

Kristi Cuddlebug Cuties

Enjoy coloring and crafting with Kristi but please give me, Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her.




  1. Hi Anna
    She is beautiful. You did a great job.
    Can't wait to create with Kristi

  2. WAUW Anna, she´s absolutely spot on. She is sooooooooooooo gorgeous and soo perfect, and she could as well have been the graduating girl, as she also have long blond hair, so it´s absolutely perfect hun. Thank you soooooooo very much. I am soo grateful, that you would do this, cause I´ve never ever seen any stamps anywhere about our graduation, so I took the chance, and I can´t say how much I apreciate it, and now I´ll upload this link to a Scandinavian forum, I´m on, then I´m sure, you´ll get loads more of visitors, as I´m sure, I´m not the only one, who can use this beautiful girl. Thanks you ever soooo much for doing this, I´m soooo glad and I promise to show you what I´ll use her for, when it´s done.

  3. Thank you for once again producing a wonderful image Anna. I really will have to decide what one to use first to make a card, so many to choose from though. lol. Hugs, Jen :-) x
    Krafty Keepsakes

  4. I love your new jacket, very nice!
    Kristi is just beautiful Anna, I love everything about her!
    Thank you for sharing her.

  5. Sounds like you had a marvelous weekend - love the new jacket! Thanks so much for the beautiful graduate, she's stunning!

  6. Your mini vacation sounds wonderful. We leave on a real vacation soon. Can't wait it has been almost 3 years since went anywhere special. Thanks for the new digi she is beautiful.

  7. You have such a talent. Beautiful!

  8. She is gorgeous. Thanks. Hugs Lynne from OZ

  9. The pool is wonderful:) Congratulations on 700 members:) That's a great number:) Hugs, Malgorzata

  10. That pool looks like so much fun!

    Thanks for sharing your favorite post at Raising Imperfection! We feature our favorites on Friday, make sure to come back and check.

  11. That pool is super cute ... love the slide feature! And Kristi is beautiful! I think the grads would be proud!!

    Thank you for linking to Raising Imperfection.
    Please come back Friday to see if you were featured. :)

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  12. Thanks. You've got another winner! :) Patti

  13. Anna this is absolutely stunning and could be used for so many more occasions other than just graduation. Thank you so much for sharing. xx

  14. Thank you so very do such an awesome job!!!

  15. Kristi is just wonderful. Funky grad cap. I'm so happy to hear that you had a wonderful little mini vacation spent with the two most important people in your life. Sounds like there are definitely memories to hold on to.


  16. What a cute sailor digi and you did a great job coloring her
