
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I'm Having An Emotional Day, And It's A Good Thing

Before I became a mother I had either good days or bad days. There really was no in between. I either woke up happy and perky ready to take on whatever the world had in store for me, letting every negative thing that could happen roll right off me. My smile couldn't be broken. Then there were the occasional wake dreading my next move kind of day, wish I could just stay in bed and avoid the day ahead altogether. I didn't have many of these days, but there were a few.

Nowadays, I find I wear my heart on my sleeve, at least when in comes to being a mama. No matter what is happening in my life my son can always make me smile, cry, and most of the time both at the same time. I truly don't have words for how much I love him. 

Today, I felt a bit sad. No reason in particular, it was just one of those days and my son, with one little set of actions changed everything. Out of the blue, he stopped playing with his toys, walked over to me and wrapped his tiny arms around my legs, hugging me as tightly as he could. He then looked up at me and said mama before snuggling in for a second hug. I couldn't get to my knees fast enough to hug him back, tears rolling down my face and smiling the whole time.

After our sweet cuddle, he took me by the hand and let me to his toys. He picked up a toy car and handed it to me before picking up another for himself. We happily played until nap time. Once he was asleep I found myself crying again. Happy tears, thanking God for blessing me with such a precious gift. Then I start laughing at myself for becoming such a stereotypical girl.
From kinda a a mama.
And that's a good thing.

I came across something on Pinterest the other day that I said, cute idea, and pinned it. Thinking nothing more of it until today. The basic idea is to get a journal and every year on your child's birthday write them a little letter, then someday when they're older give it to them.

Here's what I've decided instead. I have this beautiful leather journal that I've been trying to find the perfect use for; every time I have one of these heart touching moments, I'm going to write a letter to my son in it. Filling the pages with how much he means to me and about how my world is so much happier with him in it, and someday; maybe when he's a father, I'll give him this keepsake so that he will always know how precious he is to me.

Sending out big hugs to everyone today.
Hope your day has been filled with much joy and love.



  1. What a lovely read. Bought a tear to my eye. Every Mum can relate to such happenings. Take care xx

  2. Anna, What an awesome way to honor motherhood and share your most intimate moments with him as his mother. I am so sure he will cherish reading all these precious moments when he becomes a father. You may have begun your own family tradition too.
    You remind me of my oldest daughter, such the Tom-Boy, Never let emotions run her days.
    Now she has her son, (2 years old). I watch her take many a day with him just stopping in her tracks to play/hug/love him. I have caught her in tears a few times for some of the same reasons you speak of. I truly worried when she became a mom, she was never the baby/child caring person growing up. Matter of fact, never wanted to be a mom. In her words from the time before she was a pre-teen, "Anything that could not feed itself, wipe it's own bottom, & dress itself well,they were just an IT."

    She has eaten those words double fold since the birth of my precious grandson. She has been a very caring mom and I see good things in their future. God knows what he's doing when these precious extensions of our selves come into this world. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Yes it is the biggest change in life, we as girls will ever go through I think, from just being a girl to become a mum, and sooo many things, you suddenly begin to understand then too, that was just irritating before, but it truly is the biggest thing ever, when you become a mum for the first time, and the most fun is, that it´s just as big a wonder every time, no matter how many kids you get, and that surprised me a bit at least. I have 4 kids,all grown up now, but the wonder was just as big every time one of them were born, and I also felt the same with the later with the grandkids too, which I now have 8 of as well, so the wonders continue through your whole life.
    What an awesome idea with the book, I´m sure they´ll apreciate it very much when they grow up.

  4. A wonderful post from you, very emotional. xxxx

  5. Hallo liebe Anna,

    dein Beitrag hat mich gerade tief bewegt und es kommen die Erinnerungen an meine beiden Kinder wieder ins Gedächtnis. Sie sind inzwischen erwachsen geworden und mein erstes Enkelkind habe ich auch schon. Die Idee in einem Buch alles aufzuschreiben ist einfach genial. Das wird eine wundervolle Erinnerung an die Mutterliebe für deinen Sohn sein. So tiefe Gefühle gehen mitten ins Herz. Ich wünsche dir noch ganz viele solcher unvergesslichen Momente. Ganz liebe Grüße Silvi

  6. This is such an amazing idea! I bet your son will really treasure it when he grows up!

  7. Such lovely words Anna! And a lovely idea! Every little note or letter my mother ever road to me is stored away in a box. From time to time I read them all over again and it's always so heartwarming when I read her words! Your son will appreciate this journal immensly, I'm sure!

  8. It 'a really interesting initiative, your child will read it with much pride one day.
    I wish you a peaceful evening with your family.

  9. I cal those moments God's blessings, sometimes they make us feel good like your sons hug, sometimes they make us laugh. They are worth writing down.The innocents of children make it all worth while :) thank you for sharing your story, it made me look back on some of my own children and grand children, God's blessings.

  10. ¡Qué bonito! Me encanta la idea que has tenido, cuando sea mayor tu hijo lo valorará enormemente.

  11. Hi Anna,
    Your post was so adorable. As I read it I got a tears in my eyes. Those are definitely the moments...I miss my little hugs they are the best. Your son is so sweet and you are very blessed.
    Deborah :)
