Sometimes it's ok to be a follower

Friday, August 31, 2012

Candy Winner & New Martha Stewart Candy

Hello everyone,
I'm sorry to make you all wait all day for the promarker candy winner. We're having pretty icky weather here. Seems like as soon as the power comes on it goes right back off again. It hasn't really stayed on long enough for me to post.

On to the winner of the August Promarker Autumn Collection.
I printed everyones name on a slip of paper, folded the paper in half, mixed and tossed them in a bowl, and then let my son pull out the winning name. He's to little to have a clue what's going on but he was super excited to be the center of attention. Our entire family cheered when he picked out a slip of paper. This just made him 10 times more excited and proud, so I guess from now on my little man is gonna be my random number generator, lol.

And the winner is.............

Catherine from Vidhu Creations

Congratulations Catherine!!
Send me an email with your address and I'll get your new markers to you.

I really enjoyed to marker candy. The next time I place an order for markers and my drawing pencils I'll add a few extra for candy.

Well on to Septembers blog candy.
I have a nice lot of Martha Stewart papercrafting items.

Here's what's included:
8X8 Paper Pad with 36 double-sided sheets
14 piece adhesive labels
flower gemstone stickers
3 yards ribbon pack
16 feet of paper tape

 If you want to be entered in the September Candy Drawing be a follower and add you name to the link list below.
That's the only requirement.
I'd love it and would be very grateful if you post a pic of it on your sidebar, but it is not required to enter.
 Good luck everyone.

And just a little note,
I put to many columns in my last drawing and my sidebar kinda cut off the names, sorry for that but I didn't want anyone to be worried that I didn't notice. Inlinkz gave me a full list so that I could double check and make sure that everyone was included in the drawing. I made this candy a column smaller so hopefully everyone's names will fit and be seen.

Bunches of Hugs,

September Martha Stewart Candy

1. Karen Nofziger  18. Eileen  35. Shylaashree  
2. Tanya J  19. saskia pullen  36. marykay  
3. Jeannette Naylor  20. Glennis F  37. Lyse  
4. kapree  21. Narmadhaa  38. Pooja  
5. annie  22. Pooja Bhide  39. Heaney  
6. Ardilla  23. BettyBoop67 aka Sue  40. Vi Soriano  
7. Made By Mandy  24. Patti aka scrapunzel1  41. sindhu  
8. Angel  25. kavitha vadhri  42. sassy  
9. Iza  26. Dagmar  43. Patty  
10. Anne-Marie Lewis  27. tindaloo  44. MargeGoh  
11. Christi Hicks  28. Lynn Robinson  45. Irina Kirqkova  
12. ~DEANNE~  29. terriavidreader  46. Neha  
13. Theresa in Kitimat  30. Puddin N Pie  47. michelle jadaa  
14. Kay E ##  31. Sally Koch  48. DebraK in Florida  
15. Silverbutterfly  32. Catherine  49. Lisa :)  
16. megha jain  33. zubmomi  
17. Marcy  34. Jackie Schachter  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Romantic Arabelle Digital Stamp

Hi everyone, 
I'm having a pretty late night here. It's already almost 1 am and I'm not even close to having enough done so that I can go to bed, lol. It's been a busy day but a really good one too.

Even though I had tons on my plate today, I took a little me time and drew this little cutie.
I think she has that sweet romantic look to her.

Arabelle Cuddlebug Cuties

Arabelle will be free through Sept 1, 2012.
Enjoy coloring and crafting with her but please give me, Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her. 
There will tons of fun stuff this September. I will be releasing Halloween digis and a store coupon. And I have some great new Martha Stewart paper crafting items for blog candy.

Coming this September

There's less than 2 days left on my promarker blog candy. If you haven't signed up yet check it out here.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Are You Afraid Of The Dark?
Of What's Lurking In The Dark?

Halloween Digital Stamps
coming this September

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hallows Eve

Hey everyone,
I've been hard at work on Eve.
Here's a pic of the original sweet and romantic Eve.

And here's your new and spooky Hallows Eve:

I think she turned out great. She still looks sweet but now she's perfect for Halloween projects. 

This is my cutie with the paper that inspired me to draw her.

Once I finished my project, even more inspiration hit. I love the background paper and I now want to draw my own. I will be releasing a few Halloween backgrounds by early September.

Hallows Eve will be free through Aug. 26, 2012.
Enjoy coloring and crafting with her but please give me, Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her.

There's only one more week left on my promarker blog candy. If you haven't signed up yet check it out here.


Monday, August 20, 2012

A Bit On The Spooky Side

When I first start drawing a new cuddlebug I rarely have a plan for where I want the picture to go. I just create a character then elaborate on it from there. 

My latest drawing started out as a cute and pretty girl. Even though she was adorable I decided that I wanted to put her in a scene; to give her a purpose. But what?. 

I recently purchased some Halloween paper craft items and have been truly inspired by them. I quickly decided this new cutie needed to go a bit more on the spooky side.

Eve Cuddlebug Cuties

This is just a rough sketch of where Eve's headed. 

I'm still working on cleaning her up but I will have her available for free later this week.
She will be the first of my Halloween collection, with a few more digis being released by early September.

If you'd like to craft with my original sketch of Eve please feel free to, but give me Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties credit for drawing her.
And please check back later for the finished Halloween Eve.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Little Maggie Digital Stamp

For all those whos summer vacation is coming to an end, those that are going to get up in the morning and hit the books, for the parents, and for the teachers; this one's for you.

This cutie is Little Maggie. 
She's all dressed up and ready for her first day of school. 
Ready for her first day of being all grown up. 
Ready to make this a year to remember.

 Little Maggie will be free through Aug. 19, 2012.
Enjoy coloring and crafting with her but please give me, Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Haley Digital Stamp

When I purchased the Promarker blogcandy, I bought a few new markers for myself too. Once they arrived in the mail I couldn't wait to color something. So I sketched out this cutie to try out my new colors with.

              Haley Cuddlebug Cuties

Skin: Promarkers: vanilla, ivory, blush, and satin
Hair: Prismacolor: light mocha, light walnut, cinnamon toast, and brick white
Clothing: Copic: BV04, BV13V and B63

I used a handful of Prismacolors new brush tip markers on her hair. This was my first time trying them. Now I'm not a marker expert, but I loved them. They blended so well and the colors are so pretty. I will definitely be adding more of them to my next order.

 Haley will be free through Aug. 18, 2012.
Enjoy coloring and crafting with her but please give me, Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Mac is Back

Good morning everyone,
It's been a crazy week. You know the kind where you run in circles wondering how far away the finish line is, lol. I got a little behind and even though Mac came down as a freebie I didn't get a chance to put her in my Etsy store. It was my goal to get her in there before this weekend comes to an end but I received a wonderful comment from a follower that has been around pretty much since day 1, who had missed downloading her. 

I didn't have it in my heart to charge a loyal follower for something that they missed. I always find her comments so encouraging. I'm still new to blogging and putting my work up for others. It can be a little intimidating. There are times before I hit publish where I close my eyes and hope that at least one person will like my cuddlebug drawing. Every comment left by my wonderful followers makes me smile and inspires me to make new cuties to share.

I truly appreciate every comment from every person. You guys are all wonderful. Thank you so very much.

So incase you still need Mac, here she is for a limited time.

Mac will be up for free until Aug. 17, 2012.
Enjoy coloring and crafting with her but please give me, Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her.


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Promarker Blog Candy


For Augusts blog candy I have a 5 piece set of ProMarkers. This is the Autumn collection and includes Burnt Orange, Cocktail Pink, Honeycomb, Tan, and Pear Green. These are beautiful colors and perfect for the upcoming fall season.
To be entered in the drawing all you have to do is be a follower and leave your name on the link below.
You can do a shout out on your blog or add my candy or button to your sidebar if you like but it is not necessary.
You have until Aug 31, 2012 to enter.
Good Luck


Promarker Blog Candy

Autumn Collection

1. Karen Nofziger  12. silvia haynes  23. Saskia Pullen  34. Kimbo  
2. Theresa  13. Christi Hicks  24. Glennis F  35. Catherine joseph  
3. Suzanne  14. terriavidreader  25. Beate  36. Jovita  
4. Tanya J  15. Njeri  26. Angela Hoynes  37. BettyBoop67 aka Sue  
5. Anne-Marie Lewis  16. Margie Visnick  27. Carol-HappyExpressions  38. Kathy Bradley  
6. Patti aka scrapunzel1  17. SandyLewis  28. Charlene  39. Sue Z  
7. Stephanie G.  18. Julie J  29. Deanna  40. Silverbutterfly  
8. Cathy (Mercieschild)  19. ♥Jodi♥  30. aNNie  41. Tindaloo  
9. Iza  20. Angel  31. Esther T.  
10. Arty Andrea  21. Sheri  32. Danielle L.  
11. Rachel Mutchler  22. Joleen  33. MaRyKaY  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Emma Free Digi

Hey everyone,
The weekend's finally here. Lets start it off right with a free digital stamp.

This is Emma. She will be available for free until  Aug. 15, 2012.

Emma Digital Stamp
Cuddlebug Cuties

Enjoy coloring and crafting with my digital stamps but please give me Anna Stillwell  at Cuddlebug Cuties credit for drawing them.


I will be posting promarker blog candy later this weekend, check back soon for a chance to enter.

Have a wonderful weekend

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Candy Time

Good morning everyone,
Yesterday Cuddlebug Cuties turned 1 month old. It's been an amazing month. 60 friends have joined and we've had over 8600 page views. That's so awesome. I'm doing the happy dance right now, feel free to join in.

*happy dance*happy dance* happy dance*

Hehe, ok now that that's out of our system lets get to the reason you guys are stopping by this morning:
Candy Time

I wrote everyone that entered name down on a piece of paper. Folded all the little papers and placed them in a huge bowl. I shuffled the bowl around and mixed up all the names then had a friend reach in and draw out the winning paper.
So drum roll please............
And the winner of Cuddlebug Cuties 1 month blog candy is:


Congrats!! Send me an email and I'll get your goodies mailed out right away.

I'm waiting on a few items that I ordered online to show up in my mail. As soon as they get here we will start another candy giveaway. I'm a big believer that the more you give the more you receive, plus this has just been so much fun. So we will have to do candy giveaways often. 

Here's a little gift for all my followers:
Enter code:
in the checkout of my Etsy store for 10% off your purchase.
This coupon will be good through Sunday Aug. 12, 2012.

Have a wonderful week and check back soon. I'm working on a new freebie digi and will hopefully have it up soon.


Friday, August 3, 2012

Bella Digital Stamp

Next week is my one month blogiversary. I can not tell you how much joy this blog has brought me so far. Everyone has been so welcoming. Thank you all so very much.

To celebrate and share the joy I crafted a new digi for my wonderful followers and those who just like stopping by. I also have a coupon code for my Esty store at the bottom of this post.

This is Bella. She will be available for free through Sunday Aug. 5, 2012.

Bella Digital Stamp
Cuddlebug Cuties

Enjoy coloring and crafting with my digital stamps but please give me Anna Stillwell  at Cuddlebug Cuties credit for drawing them.

If this is your first time visiting Cuddlebug Cuties I also have two more free digis here and here and blog candy here.

Cuddlebug Cutie Etsy store coupon code:
this coupon is good for 25% off your purchase and is good through Aug. 5, 2012.

Have a wonder weekend.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Kyra Free Digital Stamp

Good morning everyone. Kelly came down as a freebie today, but I wouldn't take a stamp down without giving you something new to color.

This is Kyra. I had so much fun drawing her little boho outfit. My mom has already told me she wants the dress Kyra's wearing. Sadly I can't even sew a straight line, lol. I did tell her that I would be glad to design clothes then she make them. It could be our next business. It made us both laugh, but you never know. I'll keep the idea in my back pocket just incase.

Kyra Digital Stamp

Kyra will be available for free through Aug. 7, 2012.
Enjoy coloring and crafting with her but please give me credit for drawing her.

Just a quick note:
If this is your first time here I have another digi and candy that will be available for one more week here.

Hope everyone has an enjoyable week.