Hello everyone,
Isn't it amazing how fast time can fly?
It's been nearly a week and a half since my last post, maybe even two weeks.
I had no intention of it being so long. I love blogging and sharing my artwork, but my last few days have been chaotic, to say the least. It started out with my entire family and extended family getting a cold. Nothing major just everyone feeling yucky. I managed to scrape by with only a few coughs and sneezes.
Then we followed up the yuck days with a few days of a mini vacation,
Just a few days away lounging by a pool. It was awesome!
Then we came home to find that it had rained the entire time we were gone and our basement was
So knowing that this would be several hours of hard work I called in to grandma for a backup babysitter and got to cleaning up. It was pretty bad. The water was deep and it had gotten into the litter box. Yuck!
I was nearly finished cleaning the basement when something caught my leg. I felt momentary pain and saw a little blood, but it didn't appear to bad so I decided to finish my work before tending my wound. Big mistake...
That night I felt terribly ill. I had a fever and my stomach was upset to say the least.
The following morning I drug myself out of bed and got cleaned up for the day. I still felt terrible but I couldn't wait to see my little man, so grandmas house was the first thing on my to do list.
Upon arriving my mom looked at me and the first words out of her mouth is;" What's wrong with your leg? What happened?"
Thinking nothing of it I told her I scratched it while cleaning and kinda shrugged.
The look on her face was priceless.
Scratched, not even close.
I had a pretty big cut right behind my knee and my skin was a dark purple.
Apparently my scratch was pretty bad and had become infected from the crud in the basement, so I spent the next few days just trying to heal my leg.
Luckily now I'm feeling pretty good and my leg looks 100 times better, yay.
And I am truly happy to be back to everyday life again.
Full of cuddles, playtime, and art.
I started this cutie before all of my fun fill last few days.
I'm excited to finally be able to share her.
Tiffany Cuddlebug Cuties |
Tiffany Cuddlebug Cuties |
Enjoy coloring and crafting with Tiffany but please give me, Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her.
Have a wonderful day everyone,