Good afternoon everyone,
I'm so glad the weekend's finally here. Today is my day for Christmas shopping. I'm running on 3 hours of sleep and enjoying every moment of my purchasing gifts, two weeks before the holiday, adventure.
My little guy was starting to get sleepy in the last store, he was asleep before we could make the 15 minute drive home. So, we're taking a little mid-day break. While he's napping I thought I'd pop in, say hi and pass out my latest illustration.
Before I get to the newest digi, I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who has made a purchase from my Etsy store this year. All of the proceeds have been donated. I wanted to make sure that the group that I choose would have their fundraiser this year before I told everyone my intentions.
Every Christmas my favorite book store does a book drive for a local orphanage. Every year I buy a few books but I always feel like it's not enough. I want to do more. I love to read. (I have three books going right now) I couldn't imagine not being able to go the library or the store to get books, or not have a family that would go out and pick up goodies for me.
So this year every stamp that was purchased was going to be for those children (as long as the book store had the drive again this year and luckily they did)
I want to thank you all for your purchases.
You have blessed many children this Christmas.
Donated Books, the first handful, Cuddlebug Cuties |
I showed up at the store during story time. The childrens section was packed. I grabbed several handfuls of books and sat at kids table that was about a foot off the ground; reading the back of every book. Trying to make sure they looked fun and interesting, and that I had a good variety for all ages.
I made my selection and jumped in line. The line wrapped around several times and as I stood waiting I couldn't help but over hear the checkout clerks. Over and over for every customer they would say; "would you like to donate a book to the orphanage?" Over and over the most common answer was; "no, not today." There where a few yeses but the noes where winning.
When it was my turn, I walked up to an older male associate. He's worked there for years. He looks slightly defeated, dreading asking his donation question, so I spoke up before he could. I lifted a stack of books that went up past my elbows on the counter and said, "these are for your book drive"
I was met by silence. He was just standing there looking down at the books. Finally he looked up at me and I was surprised to see that he had teared up and started to cry. He patted the area above his heart and said, "that is so nice, you have no idea what this means to those little ones." He smiled at me and for a moment I wasn't sure if he was going to climb over the counter and hug me.
It was a wonderful experience. I wish that all of you could have been there to share it with me.
Today all of you helped make a difference is someones life. Thank you.
Ok, now on to your new digi.
Ty Cuddlebug Cuties |
Ty Cuddlebug Cuties |
Enjoy coloring and crafting with Ty but please give me,
Anna Stillwell at Cuddlebug Cuties, credit for drawing her.
Here's my marker list:
Skin: R00, R01, E50, E51
Hair: E30, E31, E33, E53
Clothes: R20, R21, R22, R14
B91, B93, B95
And just two more things,
Today is the
last day to enter my Christmas blog candy giveaway. If you haven't entered yet you can find the post
And Chris from My Inspirational Journey, you've won my November candy. Send me an email and I'll get your goodies shipped to you.